About Anthropoetics
Anthropoetics, founded in 1995 as UCLA’s first Open Access journal, is devoted to Generative Anthropology, which studies the works of human culture on the hypothesis that language, religion, art, and all things specifically human can be traced to a unique scene of origin. The Chronicles of Love & Resentment have been available since 1995 and number over 800.
Follow the GABlog: Generative Anthropology in the Public Sphere, keep up with us on Twitter, and visit us on Facebook. A bibliography of Generative Anthropology can be found at the Anthropoetics Library Thing page.
For a general introduction to Generative Anthropology, visit the Introduction to GA page.

The Generative Anthropology Summer Conference (GASC) has been held annually since 2007, with the exception of 2020. The 2025 conference will be held in Warsaw. The conference website https://gascwebsite.wordpress.com/upcoming-conferences/ also contains links to information about all previous conferences.
The 2024 conference, our seventeenth, was held in Tokyo on June 13-15, both in person and on Zoom. The 2023 conference was held in Palo Alto, California on June 22-24. The 2022 GASC took place at the University of Ottawa, mostly on Zoom, on June 21-23. Although the 2020 conference at Bar-Ilan University, Israel was regrettably cancelled because of the coronavirus, the 2021 conference was held under the same sponsorship via Zoom on June 14-16.
The 2019 GASC was held at the NYC Conference Center (71 West 23rd Street, NY 10010); the 2018 GASC at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland; the 2017 GASC at the University of Stockholm, Sweden; the 2016 GASC at the Kinjo Gakuin University in Nagoya, Japan, the 2015 GASC in High Point University, NC, and the 2014 GASCĀ at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
The Generative Anthropology Society and Conference (also GASC) is our membership organization. It supports GA activities such as the GABlog and the GAlist, and particularly our ongoing conference series. The GASC website is online at https://gascwebsite.wordpress.com ; it permits payment of GASC dues and provides the latest GASC News at https://gascwebsite.wordpress.com/ga-news/ .