- No. 840, Pascal’s Infinities – A Meditation
- No. 839, Generative Anthropology and Human Science
- No. 838, Screenicity
- No. 837, Religion, God, and the Sacred
- No. 836, What IS antisemitism?
- No. 835, Trump 47, Israel, and the Future of the West
- No. 834, Jews and Greeks VI
- No. 833, ANCIENT ISRAEL FIRST (Guest Chronicler: Andrew McKenna)
- No. 832, Jews and Greeks V – The Hanukkah Battle
- No. 831, Jews and Greeks IV: semi-final reflections
- No. 830, Jews and Greeks III
- No. 829, Jews and Greeks II
- No. 828, WSWEATO – Thanksgiving and the 2024 Election
- No. 827, Jews and Greeks I
- No. 826, The West’s Second Chance: Humanist Anthropology and the Sacred
- No. 825, The Enormity of Antisemitism
- No. 824, Further reflections on the sacred
- No. 823, The Elder Brother
- No. 822, Agency and Antisemitism
- No. 821, The Sacred and the Sense of Place
- No. 820, The Abrahamic World: Three Reflections
- No. 819, Celebrity and Resentment
- No. 818, GA as Humanist Anthropology
- No. 817, The Secular Sacred and the Epistemology of Resentment
- No. 816, Science and Faith: Anthropology of the Sacred
- No. 815, From the agora to the poêle: Descartes’ Cogito and Modern Thought
- No. 814, Why this is a good time for the minimal hypothesis of the origin of language**
- No. 813, The end of history and the beginning of…
- No. 812, The Rubicon
- No. 811, Nothingness and the Scene of Representation: East and West
- No. 810, Jewish Trump?
- No. 809, God and Language, Love and Resentment
- No. 808, Generative Anthropology’s Overcoming of Metaphysics
- No. 807, Antisemitism, or the Denial of Nothingness
- No. 806, GA and Western/Eastern civilization – Part II: Nishida, Sartre, and Nothingness
- No. 805, The Paradox of Antisemitism
- No. 804, Wokeness and The Epistemology of Resentment
- No. 803, Bear Theory IV
- No. 802, GA and Western/Eastern civilization – Part I
- No. 801, Benoît Chantre’s “René Girard: Biographie” (Grasset, 2023) – Part II
- No. 800, Benoît Chantre’s “René Girard: Biographie” (Grasset, 2023) – Part I
- No. 799, The Evolutionary Emergence of the Human
- No. 798, Delphine Horvilleur’s ‘Anti-Semitism Revisited’
- No. 797, The human as paradox and taboo
- No. 796, The uniqueness of human language
- No. 795, Anarcho-Tyranny, Thirty Years Later
- No. 794, Community and sacrality: a proposal
- No. 793, The scene of culture and consciousness III: The Fall of Man
- No. 792, The scene of culture and consciousness II
- No. 791, The scene of culture and consciousness I
- No. 790, Threats to civilization?
- No. 789, New antisemitism for old: Western oikophobia returns to its root
- No. 788, Why Generative Anthropology? In defense of speculative thinking
- No. 787, Inexcusable, but…
- No. 786, Submission, the End of History?
- No. 785, Hamas’ Watershed Pogrom
- No. 784, The Ambivalent Long March from the New Left to DEI
- No. 783, Melody and Community in the Screenic Age: The Smartphone, and Two Blondes
- No. 782, Deus sive natura
- No. 781, The 2024 Election
- No. 780, On Providence
- No. 779, Qui perd gagne: Antisemitism and the Victimary
- No. 778, Giorgio Agamben’s “What is Philosophy?”
- No. 777, Memes and Anti-Memes
- No. 776, GA’s Act of Faith
- No. 775, La Différance: The Sacred, the Scene, and the Sign
- No. 774, David P. Goldman on Jewish Wisdom vs Greek Science
- No. 773, GA: The 21st Century
- No. 772, The Scene and the Obscene: The Generative Way of Thinking
- No. 771, Origins of GA II: The End of Culture?
- No. 770, Origins of Generative Anthropology
- No. 769, Prolegomenon to an intellectual autobiography
- No. 768, Religion and Originary Thinking
- No. 767, The Existentialist Roots of GA
- No. 766, Thomas Bertonneau, Outsider
- No. 765, The Soul in the Prison House of Language
- No. 764, GA and AI
- No. 763, The Epistemology of Resentment
- No. 762, Religion at the Beginning and End of History
- No. 761, Two Post-Novels: Michel Houellebecq’s Anéantir and Annie Ernaux’s Une femme
- No. 760, GA and the Return of Narrative Anthropology
- No. 759, GA and Transcendental Religion
- No. 758, Immanentism, Transcendentalism, and the Originary Hypothesis
- No. 757, Illiberal Education, 31 Years Later
- No. 756, Some Topical Reflections
- No. 755, Back to Basics
- No. 754, The End of History, Revisited
- No. 753, GA and Religion: Hypothesis and Revelation
- No. 752, Daniel Boorstin’s The Image: Modernity and the Loss of the Sacred
- No. 751, GA, in a Word
- No. 750, Queen Elizabeth II, RIP
- No. 749, GA and Western Culture’s “Soft Taboos”
- No. 748, More on Wokeness and the “End of History”
- No. 747, Wokism and the “End of History”
- No. 746, Generative Anthropology and Human Nature
- No. 745, The Human Event
- No. 744, The 2022 GA Summer Conference
- No. 743, The Creation
- No. 742, The Shared Ontology of Religion and GA
- No. 741, A Memorial Day Defense of Firstness
- No. 740, Our Originary Imagination
- No. 739, Originary phenomenology, naïve and hypothetical
- No. 738, What Is an Event?
- No. 737, Science and Faith, Revisited
- No. 736, The Originary Phenomenology of Sacred Incarnation
- No. 735, Firstness, Resentment, and the West
- No. 734, Paradox and the Future of Judeo-Christianity
- No. 733, Esthetic Paradox
- No. 732, The Epistemology of Resentment, Revisited
- No. 731, Sacred and Significant – Part II
- No. 730, Sacred and Significant – Part I
- No. 729, Dara Horn and Loving Dead Jews
- No. 728, Antisemitism, Scapegoating, Christianity, and Judaism
- No. 727, “The Dawn of Everything”—Getting Unstuck
- No. 726, Versions of the Sacred
- No. 725, “Like God in the universe”
- No. 724, The Sacred/Significant
- No. 723, Firstness and the Sacred
- No. 722, The Abrahamic Trinity
- No. 721, Generative Anthropology and the Sacred
- No. 720, Liberal Democracy
- No. 719, Morality and Ethics
- No. 718, The Jewish Question Part II
- No. 717, The Jewish Question: Part I
- No. 716, Originary Thinking and the Elan Vital
- No. 715, Wokeness and the Moral Model
- No. 714, Generative Anthropology and Metaphysics
- No. 713, Ethics, Morality, and the Myth of Originary Violence
- No. 712, Conscience and Intentionality
- No. 711, The Children’s Crusade
- No. 710, God, Language, Paradox (20 Years Later)
- No. 709, Violence and the Sacred, 2021
- No. 708, Woke Sexuality
- No. 707, Armageddon, or “We’re all Jews now”
- No. 706, Paradoxes of Jewish Firstness
- No. 705, The Jews
- No. 704, Thoughts on Morality and Ethics
- No. 703, Return to COV&R 2021
- No. 702, GA and Religion: Thoughts on the 2021 GASC Conference
- No. 701, Metaphysics and the Sacred
- No. 700, La différance sacrée
- No. 699, Returning to the Origin
- No. 698, The Sacred in Humanist Anthropology
- No. 697, 2021: Three Belief Systems
- No. 696, Bad Mimesis and Western Decadence
- No. 695, Our Future
- No. 694, Originary and Scientific Anthropology
- No. 693, Topics in Originary Thinking
- No. 692, Elements of the Sacred
- No. 691, The Political Sacred
- No. 690, The Woke Overcoming of Metaphysics
- No. 689, Reflections on 1984
- No. 688, Science, Religion, and GA
- No. 687, Metaphysics and archi-écriture
- No. 686, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”
- No. 685, Toward an Originary Phenomenology
- No. 684, The Great Awokening
- No. 683, Hope for the New Decade
- No. 682, A Last Word
- No. 681, The Anthropological Idea of God, Revisited
- No. 680, The GA Future
- No. 679, Bear Theory III – Bear Theology
- No. 678, Pierre Whalon’s Made in Heaven? —A Trinitarian Theology of Marriage
- No. 677, Trump and Tragedy
- No. 676, Originary Sin II – Finishing Humanity
- No. 675, Originary Sin
- No. 674, Violence and the Sacred, 2020 AD
- No. 673, The West’s Last Best Hope
- No. 672, Firstness in the Digital Age
- No. 671, Modernism and the Triumph of the Market
- No. 670, The Paradox of Desire and Art
- No. 669, The Human Paradox
- No. 668, The Fatal Flaw II
- No. 667, The Fatal Flaw
- No. 666, Thermidor—or Untergang?
- No. 665, Originary Reflections on the Present
- No. 664, Getting to the Bottom
- No. 663, Apotheosis of Resentment
- No. 662, The Crisis of Firstness
- No. 661, Communities of Meaning
- No. 660, From Kant to GA: Four Reflections
- No. 659, Art and Faith
- No. 658, Future Perspectives
- No. 657, A COVID Silver Lining?
- No. 656, Lust, Caution: Love, East and West
- No. 655, Morality and Ethics in a Time of Crisis
- No. 654, Bear Theory II – Thérèse and the Bears
- No. 653, GA and psychoanalysis?
- No. 652, A defense of liberalism—and its “victims”
- No. 651, Religion, Love, and Common Sense
- No. 650, Sacred Resentment
- No. 649, Sacred Love
- No. 648, The Anthropological Idea of God—32 Years Later
- No. 647, Identity Politics and the Sacred
- No. 646, Paradoxical Anthropology
- No. 645, Screenic Beauty
- No. 644, Hope for the New Decade
- No. 643, GA at the End of the Decade
- No. 642, The West’s Crisis of Firstness
- No. 641, The Paradox of Textuality
- No. 640, The Paradox of Jewish Firstness
- No. 639, Avatars of Firstness
- No. 638, GA, heir to French Theory
- No. 637, The West’s Judeo-Christian Crisis
- No. 636, Pascal’s Pari
- No. 635, Toward a GA Synthesis
- No. 634, Being and Languaging, Heidegger and Hegel
- No. 633, A GA Cogito and other philosophical reinterpretations
- No. 632, Two reflections on la différance
- No. 631, What’s the différance?
- No. 630, Noblesse Oblige
- No. 629, Crossing the Rubicon
- No. 628, The Light Bulb of Claude Lévi-Strauss
- No. 627, The Social Origins of Language – I
- No. 626, Toward a GA Ethic
- No. 625, Event Denial
- No. 624, 2019 GASC Talk–The Deferral of Violence Through Representation: Why We Need the Origin of Language
- No. 623, The Question of Transcendence
- No. 622, The 2019 GA Summer Conference
- No. 621, The Epistemology of Resentment
- No. 620, Originarism and Anti-Originarism
- No. 619, Reflections on “The Linguistic Turn” – 3. Philosophy and Humanistic Anthropology
- No. 618, Reflections on “The Linguistic Turn” – 2. On reading De la grammatologie
- No. 617, Reflections on “The Linguistic Turn” – 1. Metaphysical Closure
- No. 616, Speaking of the Soul (for Herbert Morris)
- No. 615, On GA and Cinema
- No. 614, Left and Right
- No. 613, Poets, Intellectuals, and Generative Anthropologists
- No. 612, A Heroine for Our Time
- No. 611, Whatever Happened to Ockham’s Razor?
- No. 610, Releasing the Hedgehog
- No. 609, Liberal Democracy Today
- No. 608, How to Talk to Girls at Parties: The Cinema of John Cameron Mitchell
- No. 607, Salvation from the East?
- No. 606, Sovereignty and Firstness
- No. 605, UFT 7: Coda – The Two Phases of the Victimocracy
- No. 604, UFT VI – Concluding Unscientific Postscript (with apologies to SK)
- No. 603, Toward a Globalist-Victimary Unified Field Theory: Part V – A Morality of Firstness
- No. 602, Toward a Globalist-Victimary Unified Field Theory: Part IV – Victimary Theology
- No. 601, Toward a Globalist-Victimary Unified Field Theory: Part III – The International Scene
- No. 600, Toward a Globalist-Victimary Unified Field Theory: Part II – The Universal Utopia
- No. 599, The Sublime Mrs. Gaskell
- No. 598, Toward a Globalist-Victimary Unified Field Theory*
- No. 597, The Virtue of Nationalism
- No. 596, The One God and the Nation
- No. 595, National Identity
- No. 594, Questions of Identity
- No. 593, On Rereading the Chronicles – A Birthday Message
- No. 592, Originary Ontology
- No. 591, In the beginning was the word: GA as a religious anthropology – Part 2
- No. 590, In the beginning was the word: GA as a religious anthropology – Part I
- No. 589, The Little Bang
- No. 588, Victimary Fundamentalism
- No. 587, Three Modes of Faith
- No. 586, The Victimary Religion
- No. 585, Generative Theology
- No. 584, Language, God, and Metaphysics
- No. 583, More Thoughts on Liberalism
- No. 582, The Future of Liberalism
- No. 581, Anthropological Ecumenism
- No. 580, Paradox
- No. 579, The Centre
- No. 578, The Esthetic in History
- No. 577, Institutional Representation: The Esthetic II
- No. 576, Institutional Culture: The Esthetic I
- No. 575, Religion, Philosophy, Anthropology
- No. 574, Ostensive Morality and Declarative Ethics
- No. 573, Generative Anthropology and Social Science
- No. 572, What Is Religion? The Jewish Question
- No. 571, The Last Shall Be the First: Two Reflections
- No. 570, The Originary Performative
- No. 569, Luther and Performative Christianity (A Christmas Chronicle)
- No. 568, A Disciple’s Transdisciplinary Creed: One Big Discipline; or, Faith in Science, Science of Faith (Guest Chronicler: Adam Katz)
- No. 567, Daniel Everett’s How Language Began
- No. 566, Vale of Tears: Religion in the Modern Age
- No. 565, The Aborted Gesture
- No. 564, Neo-Populism
- No. 563, Victimary “Humanism”
- No. 562, Liberal Democracy in Question
- No. 561, Common Sense
- No. 560, Some Victimary Reflections
- No. 559, The New Origin of Language: Supplement to the Introduction – The Linguistic Dialectic
- No. 558, The Decline of the Western
- No. 557, The New Origin of Language: (Tentative) Conclusion
- No. 556, The New Origin of Language Part 13: The Esthetics of Linguistic Forms
- No. 555, Toward a Preface to The New Origin of Language II: Sign and Event
- No. 554, Toward a Preface to The New Origin of Language
- No. 553, Stockholm GASC: Anna Wierzbicka’s Natural Semantics and Generative Anthropology, Part 2
- No. 552, Stockholm GASC: Anna Wierzbicka’s Natural Semantics and Generative Anthropology, Part 1
- No. 551, The Moral Model
- No. 550, GASC’s Tenth Anniversary
- No. 549, Brave New World bis?
- No. 548, The New Origin of Language Part 12: The Declarative I
- No. 547, The New Origin of Language Part 11: Negation as Predication: The Origin of the Declarative
- No. 546, The New Origin of Language Part 10: Dialectic of the Imperative (II)
- No. 545, The New Origin of Language Part 9: Imperative Dialogue
- No. 544, The New Origin of Language Part 8: The Fundamental Asymmetry of the Speech Situation
- No. 543, The New Origin of Language Part 7: Elementary Forms and Grammatical Structures
- No. 542, The New Origin of Language Part 6: The Imperative II
- No. 541, Morality and Ethics in the Global Age
- No. 540, The New Origin of Language Part 5: The Imperative I
- No. 539, The New Origin of Language Part 4: Linguistics of the Ostensive
- No. 538, Victimary Passion
- No. 537, The New Origin of Language Part 3: The Ostensive
- No. 536, The New Origin of Language Part 2: Formal and Institutional Representation
- No. 535, The New Origin of Language: (A Derridean Parenthesis)
- No. 534, The New Origin of Language: Part 1
- No. 533, The New Origin of Language: Introduction
- No. 532, Demons of Democracy
- No. 531, Paradox and the Sacred
- No. 530, The Jew as Scapegoat
- No. 529, GA and Social Media
- No. 528, Conceiving Language Origin
- No. 527, Three Post-Election Thoughts
- No. 526, Felix Culpa – Notes on the Election
- No. 525, Tom Wolfe’s The Kingdom of Speech
- No. 524, Return to Political Civility?
- No. 523, Why Originary Thinking?
- No. 522, Religion and Cognition
- No. 521, Nation and Empire
- No. 520, Anthropology, Humanistic and Empirical
- No. 519, Michael Tomasello’s A Natural History of Human Morality
- No. 518, Civilization in Crisis?
- No. 517, The Administrative State and the Victimocracy
- No. 516, Nagarjuna and Zeno: Paradox East and West II
- No. 515, Nagarjuna and Zeno: Paradox East and West I
- No. 514, The Triumph of Resentment
- No. 513, ET—Not
- No. 512, The “Real” Donald Trump
- No. 511, Language and Originary Otherness
- No. 510, Scandal to the Jews, Folly to the Pagans
- No. 509, Donald Trump, Metaconservative
- No. 508, Our Duce
- No. 507, The Secret of Mensonge romantique
- No. 506, The Feminine Novel and the Esthetics of the Modern Era II
- No. 505, The Feminine Novel and the Esthetics of the Modern Era I
- No. 504, Learning from Chomsky
- No. 503, Obama and Fukuyama
- No. 502, Firstness: Death and Resurrection?
- No. 501, Paris and Columbia, MO
- No. 500, René Girard, in memoriam
- No. 499, Firstness and Victimary Religion
- No. 498, The Realm of Freedom
- No. 497, Post-Fukuyama Reflections
- No. 496, Religion and Firstness
- No. 495, Language and Paradox
- No. 494, End of the End of History
- No. 493, Reality Politics
- No. 492, The Ascriptive Age
- No. 491, The Crisis of Christianity
- No. 490, Terrence Deacon’s Incomplete Nature
- No. 489, The Ninth Annual GASC
- No. 488, Digital Humanity III: The Scene and the Laboratory
- No. 487, Digital Humanity II
- No. 486, Arabella, The Female Quixote: Beauty in Mediation
- No. 485, GA, NWT: A Pep Talk
- No. 484, The Moral Model and the Scandal of the Secular Sign
- No. 483, Digital Humanities at UCLA
- No. 482, Biddy the Hedgehog, RIP
- No. 481, GA and the Media
- No. 480, Victimary Theology
- No. 479, What is language for, anyway? (part 3)
- No. 478, On Being and Nothingness
- No. 477, Digital Humanity
- No. 476, Violence, or the Sacred
- No. 475, BS, Ecriture, Scripture: Three Degrees of Political Rhetoric
- No. 474, Blaming the Victim
- No. 473, The Final Conflict— Lost?
- No. 472, Minimal Language
- No. 471, The Scene of Language
- No. 470, Bear Theory
- No. 469, Nation vs Tribe
- No. 468, National Antisemitism
- No. 467, Israeli Firstness and Colonial Resentment
- No. 466, Generative Anthropology as Grammatology
- No. 465, 2084
- No. 464, The Eighth GA Summer Confererence
- No. 463, Still More on the Victimary
- No. 462, God’s Cogito and Ours
- No. 461, More on the Victimary
- No. 460, The Victimary Hypothesis
- No. 459, Virtues Old and New: Toward an Analysis of Victimocracy
- No. 458, Sin II
- No. 457, Sin and Resentment
- No. 456, How not to write about religion
- No. 455, Anthrophilosophy
- No. 454, What is language for, anyway? Three musings
- No. 453, What is language for, anyway?
- No. 452, GA, Firstness, and Antisemitism
- No. 451, Reciprocity and Firstness
- No. 450, Deconstruction, Hermeneutics, and Generative Anthropology – Guest columnist: Peter Goldman
- No. 449, The Tea Party
- No. 448, Eichmann in Obamaland
- No. 447, More on the Humanities
- No. 446, The Meme, Revisited
- No. 445, Why Generative Anthropology? – Guest columnist: Peter Goldman
- No. 444, Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos
- No. 443, GA Enivronmentalism – Guest columnist: Andrew Bartlett
- No. 442, Victimocracy
- No. 441, GA vs BA or The Mind-Body Fallacy
- No. 440, GA’s Humanist Hypothesis
- No. 439, Charles Baudelaire II
- No. 438, Charles Baudelaire I
- No. 437, The Name of God
- No. 436, Christian Monism, Hebrew Dualism
- No. 435, Abraham’s Three Firsts
- No. 434, Christian and Jew at the Origin
- No. 433, Confessions of a Bronx-French Intellectual
- No. 432, Originary Ethics II – Firstness and Hierarchy
- No. 431, Originary Ethics
- No. 430, The End of Antisemitism?
- No. 429, Antisemitism: From Paradox to BS
- No. 428, Aurora and “Radical Evil”
- No. 427, WWII and the Victimary Era: II
- No. 426, WWII and the Victimary Era: I
- No. 425, Antisemitism: The Fatal Paradox
- No. 424, A GA Criterion of Social Health
- No. 423, Nim and Nothingness
- No. 422, Humanism and Paradox
- No. 421, Mediating Anti-Semitism – Guest columnist: Adam Katz
- No. 420, On Obscurity
- No. 419, Originary Feminism
- No. 418, Art and Markets – Guest columnist: Andrew McKenna
- No. 417, On the Gift
- No. 416, Jewish Firstness II: The Postmodern Era
- No. 415, Jewish Firstness I: To the Holocaust
- No. 414, The Occupation of Utopia
- No. 413, Blame It on the Nazis
- No. 412, The Decline of Humanism?
- No. 411, Auschwitz and Hiroshima, Girard and GA
- No. 410, How to Write about the Holocaust
- No. 409, Myths of Totemic Origin in Lévi-Strauss and Girard
- No. 408, Reflections on GASC V: GA and Humanistic Thought II
- No. 407, Reflections on GASC V: GA and Humanistic Thought I
- No. 406, Marx and Monotheism
- No. 405, The Jewish Barber
- No. 404, Resentment, Jealousy, and Mimetic Desire
- No. 403, Heuristic Necessity
- No. 402, The Originary Hypothesis (Stanford version)
- No. 401, The Sublime and the Beautiful
- No. 400, Dialogue on Islamovictimism (with Adam Katz)
- No. 399, Islamovictimism in the News
- No. 398, GA for the Humanities
- No. 397, GA: The Other Intellectual Scene
- No. 396, GA and the Lyric Scene
- No. 395, Poetry and the N-Principle
- No. 394, Haven’t we always been modern?
- No. 393, Scenes and Screens: Notes on the MQB
- No. 392, Autocritique II: The Final Chapter of the Scenic Imagination
- No. 391, Autocritique
- No. 390, The Fundamental Paradox of Signification
- No. 389, Gregory Bateson’s Paradoxes of Communication
- No. 388, Ecriture from Barthes to GA
- No. 387, Louise d’Haussonville
- No. 386, Emile Durkheim, Originary Hedgehog
- No. 385, Pascal Bruckner’s La tyrannie de la pénitence
- No. 384, From Phenomenology to Generative Anthropology
- No. 383, Hermeneutics
- No. 382, Reflections on the Jewish Question
- No. 381, Story and Plot
- No. 380, Originary Thinking and Victimary Politics
- No. 379, A Humanist Declaration of Independence
- No. 378, Poetic Justice: Notes on the Classical Esthetic
- No. 377, The Last Celebrity
- No. 376, The Third Annual GA Summer Conference
- No. 375, The Ethical Paradox and the Origins of Victimary Thought
- No. 374, Pre-Socratics III: Xenophanes and Theology
- No. 373, Pre-Socratics II: Heraclitus and Anaximander
- No. 372, Philosophy to Metaphysics I
- No. 371, Monism or Dualism?
- No. 370, Transcendence
- No. 369, The Esthetic Moment
- No. 368, Judeocentrism
- No. 367, The Dancer from the Dance
- No. 366, Religion and Originary Anthropology
- No. 365, “The End of Ideology”
- No. 364, Carole Landis: A Bronx Romantic’s Reflections on Public Beauty
- No. 363, Ten Years Later
- No. 362, Cosmic Optimism
- No. 361, A Minimal Theodicy: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
- No. 360, Qui perd gagne
- No. 359, Notes for a History of Transcendence
- No. 358, Believing in GA
- No. 357, The New Anthropic Principle
- No. 356, The Question of Transcendence: An Update
- No. 355, A New Mode of Being
- No. 354, Universal Anthropology
- No. 353, A New Way of Thinking
- No. 352, Make Me Laugh
- No. 351, Ecriture and the Deferral of Violence
- No. 350, Transcendence and Cultural Will
- No. 349, The Religion of Impending Disaster
- No. 348, The Four Freedoms
- No. 347, Opening the GATE: The Vancouver “Thinking Event”
- No. 346, New Thoughts on Originary Narrative
- No. 345, Tragedy and Christianity: Minimal and Maximal Faith
- No. 344, Right and Left
- No. 343, Why Do We Believe in GA?
- No. 342, The Crisis of Firstness (Guest Chronicler: Adam Katz)
- No. 341, Victimary Extinction or Religious Survival
- No. 340, Frère Jacques
- No. 339, Originary Demography
- No. 338, The Final Conflict
- No. 337, Ending White Guilt
- No. 336, Woody Allen: Fooling Me Twice
- No. 335, GA in the Public Sphere
- No. 334, GA and the Linguistic Turn
- No. 333, Originary Guilt
- No. 332, GA and Mimetic Theory II: The Scapegoat
- No. 331, Richard Rorty’s Metaphysics
- No. 330, Art and Otherness
- No. 329, GA and Mimetic Theory I: Violence
- No. 328, I Promise
- No. 327, Return of the Sacred II – Secularism
- No. 326, Return of the Sacred I – The Sacred and the Significant
- No. 325, On Realism
- No. 324, Questioning Generative Anthropology
- No. 323, White Guilt VI – From Vietnam to Today
- No. 322, John Rawls’s Originary Theory of Justice
- No. 321, Famous for Being Famous
- No. 320, White Guilt V: The Vietnam Syndrome
- No. 319, Originary Resistance
- No. 318, Pre-Boasian Anthropology: McLennan and Morgan
- No. 317, Franz Boas and the Eclipse of the Scenic Imagination
- No. 316, White Guilt IV: Auschwitz and Hiroshima
- No. 315, Popular Culture Is All We’ve Got
- No. 314, Intelligent Design?
- No. 313, White Guilt III – Democracy and Firstness
- No. 312, Originary Analysis, Revisited
- No. 311, White Guilt II
- No. 310, White Guilt I
- No. 309, More on the Election
- No. 308, The 2004 Election
- No. 307, René et moi
- No. 306, Darwin’s Unfinished Cathedral
- No. 305, The “Supernatural”
- No. 304, “Pomo Homer”: A Review of the Troy Movie (Guest Chronicler: Christopher S. Morrissey)
- No. 303, COV&R 2004 and the Future
- No. 302, Antisemitism from a Judeocentric Perspective II
- No. 301, Antisemitism from a Judeocentric Perspective I
- No. 300, High and Low Esthetics
- No. 299, My Book about Carole Landis
- No. 298, Why Art Defies Analysis
- No. 297, The Youth Culture – Fifty Years Later
- No. 296, Gay Marriage II – The End of Kinship
- No. 295, It Was Forty Years Ago Today: The Beatles and the Triumph of Cowboy Culture (Guest columnist: Matthew Schneider)
- No. 294, What is a Biography?
- No. 293, Affirmation of Life III – Originary Analysis of Terrorism
- No. 292, Affirmation of Life II – Life or Death
- No. 291, Affirmation of Life: I – The Gift of Beauty
- No. 290, The new antisemitism and the bankruptcy of victimary thought
- No. 289, “Gay Marriage”: An Originary Analysis
- No. 288, Carole Landis and the Concept of Public Beauty
- No. 287, The Market and Resentment (II)
- No. 286, The Market and Resentment (I)
- No. 285, Carole Landis, Revisited
- No. 284, What’s New and Old about the Origin of Language (II)
- No. 283, What’s New and Old about the Origin of Language (I)
- No. 282, Roy Rappaport and The Originary Anthropology of the Sacred
- No. 281, Confessions of a Dialectical Hedgehog
- No. 280, Carole Landis
- No. 279, Antisemitism and Anti-Americanism
- No. 278, Marx II: Scenes of Revolution
- No. 277, Karl Marx’s Sceneless Socialism: I – The Originary Moment
- No. 276, Two Films: Reflections on Popular Culture
- No. 275, Reality TV
- No. 274, Nietzsche’s Scenic Utopia
- No. 273, Hegel’s Master and Slave
- No. 272, Rousseau’s Social Contract
- No. 271, The Kantian Sublime
- No. 270, Joseph de Maistre: First Anthropologist?
- No. 269, Mulholland Drive
- No. 268, Edmund Burke: Ending the Enlightenment
- No. 267, The New Anti-Semitism
- No. 266, The Last Imperialist
- No. 265, Who Are We Now?
- No. 264, Anthropology and Mortality
- No. 263, COV&R: The Third Time…
- No. 262, Originary and/or Kantian Esthetics III: The Esthetic Social Contract
- No. 261, Originary and/or Kantian Esthetics II
- No. 260, Originary and/or Kantian Esthetics I
- No. 259, Originary and Provisional Morality
- No. 258, On Esthetic Periodization
- No. 257, Our Neo-Victimary Era
- No. 256, René Girard and the Overcoming of Metaphysics
- No. 255, The Scenic Imagination: Modern Times
- No. 254, More on the Scenic Imagination: The Enlightenment
- No. 253, Post-Millennial Thoughts
- No. 252, The Scenic Imagination: I – Before and after Christianity
- No. 251, Scapegoating after September 11
- No. 250, More on Negotiational Justice
- No. 249, Two Concepts of Justice
- No. 248, Window of Opportunity
- No. 247, Holding up Our End of History
- No. 246, GA Twenty Years After
- No. 245, Minimizing Difference
- No. 244, The New World Order
- No. 243, The Chinese Dao of Language
- No. 242, We Are All Buddhists Now
- No. 241, On Consumption and Immortality
- No. 240, Apologia
- No. 239, On Time and the Novel
- No. 238, Telling One’s Story
- No. 237, Moral Heroism
- No. 236, Freud’s Originary Parricide
- No. 235, Les Liaisons dangereuses
- No. 234, Vico’s Originary Science
- No. 233, Art after the End of History
- No. 232, Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Pre-Darwinian Structuralism
- No. 231, Paris in the Springtime
- No. 230, Victimary Thinking Forever?
- No. 229, We are all generative anthropologists now
- No. 228, Film Realism
- No. 227, La mondialisation
- No. 226, On Being and Time
- No. 225, Risking Death: Realism and the “Standard Narrative Model”
- No. 224, Thoughts for a Dying Millennium
- No. 223, Art, High and Popular
- No. 222, Justice and Resentment
- No. 221, Resentment, or the Sense of Injustice
- No. 220, Originary Thoughts on Sexuality
- No. 219, The Victim’s Hard Death and Democracy’s Moral Paradox
- No. 218, Post-Victimary Thinking in the Holy Land
- No. 217, November Choices
- No. 216, Faith and Factoids
- No. 215, Back to the Origin of Language
- No. 214, NOP
- No. 213, Happy Birthday: Blues Riffs
- No. 212, Still More On Celebrity
- No. 211, Tycoon, Yuppie, and Bobo: Three Stages in the Esthetic of Consumption
- No. 210, Is GA Too Perfect?
- No. 209, The Post-Millennial Age
- No. 208, Our Post-Postmodern Bobos
- No. 207, The Persistence of Anti-Semitism
- No. 206, Locke’s Little Bang
- No. 205, Originary and Evolutionary Esthetics
- No. 204, The Novelistic Attitude
- No. 203, Originary Thinking, Cognitive Science, and Religion
- No. 202, GA and Esthetics: Ideas for a Research Program
- No. 201, GA and Not-so-Social Science
- No. 200, Minimal Faith: The Human as Event
- No. 199, Clouzot’s Cruel Crow
- No. 198, Emile Durkheim, Hedgehog (Language Origin in History X)
- No. 197, Whither GA?
- No. 196, Levels of Intentionality
- No. 195, Language Origin in History IX: Durkheim and Sacred Representation (I)
- No. 194, Body and Soul
- No. 193, Culture vs. Exchange
- No. 192, Language Origin in History VIII: Max Müller’s Originary Sunrise
- No. 191, Language Origin in History VII: Herder’s Bleating Sheep
- No. 190, Does God Exist?
- No. 189, Language Origin in History VI: Rousseau’s Essay on the Origin of Languages
- No. 188, Adorers of Literature Scared of Criticism
- No. 187, Oulipo
- No. 186, Three Kinds of Authority
- No. 185, Language Origin in History V: Rousseau’s Prelinguistic Pity
- no. 184, Sacrificing Culture
- No. 183, Language Origin in History IV Rousseau: Language and Unanimity
- No. 182, Science and Faith in Kansas
- No. 181, GA Futurism
- No. 180, Postmodern GA
- No. 179, Language Origin in History III: Condillac’s Originary Scene (Part 2)
- No. 178, Language Origin in History II: Condillac’s Originary Scene (Part 1)
- No. 177, Herostratus Revisited
- No. 176, History of Language Origin I: Hobbes and Rousseau
- No. 175, Was There an Origin of Language?
- No. 174, Ending History
- No. 173, Toujours le Meme
- No. 172, Kosovo: War in the Postwar Era
- No. 171, The Origin of Religion: Preliminary Reflections
- No. 170, COV&R Story
- No. 169, The Little Bang Theory
- No. 168, The Origin of Language III: Toward Synthesis
- No. 167, The Origin of Language II: Scientific Perspectives
- No. 166, Back to the Origin of Language
- No. 165, The Marx-Freud Alliance
- No. 164, Is Anthropology Empirical?
- No. 163, Deconstructing the Subject
- No. 162, Failure of Mimetic Theory?
- No. 161, Thinking Religion
- No. 160, Michael Jordan’s Productive Resentment
- No. 159, Socratic GA
- No. 158, Impeachment
- No. 157, The Voice of Authority
- No. 156, Proust’s Homosexual Modernity
- No. 155, Antisemitism and Market Phobia
- No. 154, In the Beginning Was the Word
- No. 153, Beyond the Nation-State
- No. 152, Titanic and the Decline of Narrative
- No. 151, Clinton and the Sacrificial Paradigm
- No. 150, Clinton in Paris
- No. 149, Visiting the Getty
- No. 148, Spielberg’s Tales of Survival
- No. 147, Private Ryan: The Unknown Survivor
- No. 146, The Art of Resentment
- No. 145, Beyond “Generative Anthropology” 2. Resistance to (Mimetic) Theory
- No. 144, Beyond “Generative Anthropology” 1. Deferring Resentment
- No. 143, Personal Origins of GA 4. Class and Universality
- No. 142, A Thought for Independence Day
- No. 141, On Looking Into Branagh’s Hamlet
- No. 140, On Not Receiving a Promotion
- No. 139, Programming and Thinking
- No. 137, Appeals to Authority
- No. 138, The Rhetoric of God
- No. 136, The Moral Contradiction of Liberalism
- No. 135, The End of Literature and the Beginning of Literary History
- No. 134, Consumption As Production
- No. 133, Mind and Brain
- No. 132, The Sign, the Thing, and Titanic (Guest Chronicler: Matthew Schneider)
- No. 131, The Full Monty
- No. 130, Our Oral Culture
- No. 129, What is an Author?
- No. 128, The Erotic
- No. 127, The Body Sacrificial, Revisited
- No. 126, Origin and Structure
- No. 125, Presidential Kneepads and Phallic Religion
- No. 124, The Market Model: Three Points
- No. 123, On Political Economy
- No. 122, Personal Origins of GA 3. The Pursuit of Amateurism
- No. 121, The End of Seinfeld
- No. 120, Victimage and Virtual Inclusion
- No. 119, God is Love
- No. 118, Marcus Borg’s Spiritual God
- No. 117, The Problem of the Subject
- No. 116, External and Internal Mediation
- No. 115, Phallogocentrism
- No. 114, More On Celebrity
- No. 113, Personal Origins of GA 2. Bronx Romanticism and Theoretical Minimalism
- No. 112, What is Postmodernism?
- No. 111, Personal Origins of GA: 1. Bronx Romanticism
- No. 110, Resistance to GA
- No. 109, Carnal Knowledge
- No. 108, On Celebrity
- No. 107, Originary Democracy
- No. 106, Cultural Elevation (Cultural Studies series no. 3)
- No. 105, Laughing at Anthropology
- No. 104, Love and Originary Violence
- No. 103, Models of Identity
- No. 102, The Critique of Love
- No. 101, Comparative Literature and Global Culture (Cultural Studies series no. 2)
- No. 100, Love, Resentment, and Generative Anthropology
- No. 99, Ending the Era of Suspicion
- No. 98, Cultural Studies & GA (First of a Series)
- No. 97, Resentment, Guilt, Compassion, and Injustice
- No. 96, Poetry After the End of Culture
- No. 95, Futurism and Sexuality
- No. 94, Love and Reciprocity
- No. 93, Once More, the End of Culture
- No. 92, A Rembrandt in an Elevator
- No. 91, States of Identity
- No. 90, Antisemitism, White and Black
- No. 89, Heaven’s Gate, Post Mortem
- No. 88, Free Will and Cosmological Idiocy
- No. 87, Herostratus Forever
- No. 86, Technological Realism
- No. 85, Cool GA (Guest Chronicler: Andrew McKenna)
- No. 84, Beyond Denial
- No. 83, Film Open and Closed
- No. 82, George Soros and the Open Society
- No. 81, Questions of Interpretation
- No. 80, Triangular Utopias
- No. 79, Why the Humanities Need GA
- No. 78, Optimists and Pessimists
- No. 77, Resentment, Individual and Collective
- No. 76, A GA Conversation with Richard van Oort (III)
- No. 75, Evolution and the Human
- No. 74, Gangsters and Jews
- No. 73, Public and Private
- No. 72, A GA Conversation with Richard van Oort (II)
- No. 71, Talking About God
- No. 70, Three Models of Culture
- No. 69, A GA Conversation with Richard van Oort (I)
- No. 68, The Minimal Ethic
- No. 67, God and Woody Allen
- No. 66, Generative Spirituality
- No. 65, Election Special: Two Points About the Presidential Campaign
- No. 64, Avoiding Armageddon
- No. 63, Age, Love, and Culture
- No. 62, Assisted Suicide: The Body as Internal Other
- No. 61, Radical Thinking and Neopolitics
- No. 60, Civil Society
- No. 59, Beyond Suspicion
- No. 58, Conversation and Education
- No. 57, Garrison Keillor and Cultural Irony
- No. 56, Love and Transcendence
- No. 55, Terror in the Global Village
- No. 54, Sacrificial Stories
- No. 53, The Feminization of Sport Narrative
- No. 52, Generative Paleoanthropology
- No. 51, Differences of Scale
- No. 50, Really the End of Culture?
- No. 49, Happy Anniversary!
- No. 48, Seinfeld and Sacrality
- No. 47, The Humanities Profession
- No. 46, On Programming and Ponds
- No. 45, Science and Culture or How Real is Real? Reflections on the “Sokal Debate” (Guest Chronicler: Richard van Oort)
- No. 44, Is GA Impossible?
- No. 43, Female Genital Mutilation: Cultural Relativism and Moral Absolutism
- No. 42, Tarentino Transcendence
- No. 41, Two Types of Denial
- No. 40, Victimary Culture
- No. 39, Mimetic Simplicity
- No. 38, The Ethical Mission of GA
- No. 37, Minimal Thinking
- No. 36, Is GA Falsifiable?
- No. 35, The End of History
- No. 34, The Free Market
- No. 33, Male Generation
- No. 32, The Use of Literature
- No. 31, Love and Sexual Difference
- No. 30, Self-Righteousness
- No. 29, The Abortion Debate
- No. 28, Public Resentment, Private Love
- No. 27, No More Masterpieces?
- No. 26, The Honnête Homme
- No. 25, Culture Against the Market
- No. 24, Originary Thinking in a Nutshell
- No. 23, Brave New World?
- No. 22, Simplicity or Complexity?
- No. 21, Liberal or Conservative?
- No. 20, Toujours l’amour
- No. 19, Amo quia absurdum
- No. 18, God told me to…
- No. 17, Perfide Manon
- No. 16, Posterity Will Absolve Me
- No. 15, Tel qu’en lui-meme…
- No. 14, Mimeticism and Feminism (Richard van Oort)
- No. 13, Abelard and Heloise
- No. 12, Sour Grapes
- No. 11, The Spirit of the Humanities
- No. 10, Vive le WWW!
- No. 9, Paradoxes of Love and Resentment
- No. 8, Above Politics?
- No. 7, The Body Sacrificial
- No. 6, Resentment and Love
- No. 5, The Simpson Trial
- No. 4, “I love you”
- No. 3, in memoriam Nicholas Collaros
- No. 2, [None]
- No. 1, [None]