Generative Anthropology List

Persons interested in receiving updates and announcements concerning Anthropoetics or learning more about generative anthropology are invited to subscribe to the GAlist, our on-line email list. Subscribers will also receive announcements of Eric Gans’s WWW column, Chronicles of Love and Resentment.

Modes of subscription

Normal subscription: members receive all postings to the list, and are able to contribute postings of their own.

To (un)subscribe to the GA list, go to the following web site:!forum/ga

Announcements only: members will receive only announcements concerning Anthropoetics, the Chronicles of Love & Resentment, and other GA activities and publications. They cannot post messages to the list.

To (un)subscribe to the GA-announce list, go to the following web site:!forum/ga-announce

If you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe) an address different from the one you are now using, or if you have any other problem with this procedure, please write us directly.

COV&R List

To (un)subscribe to the COVR list, go to the following web site:!forum/covr

If you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe) an address different from the one you are now using or if you have any other problem with this procedure, please write us directly.