Anthropoetics XXII, no. 1 Fall 2016
Kiyoshi Kawahara and Matthew Taylor -
Introduction to the 2016 Conference Issue
Kinjo Occult Research Group -
A Door to another World: The Imagination in Japanese Folkways and Religion
Aya Ryusawa -
Mastering the Visualization of Heroic Narratives within Daimyō Families: The Illustrated Scroll of Shutendōji in the Edo period
Aya Ryusawa -
Mastering the Visualization of Heroic Narratives within Daimyō Families: The Illustrated Scroll of Shutendōji in the Edo period (Japanese)
Kenshin Kirihara -
The Birth of a Myth: Civil War and Sacrifice in Early Meiji Japan
Kenshin Kirihara -
The Birth of a Myth: Civil War and Sacrifice in Early Meiji Japan (Japanese)
Shoko Komatsu -
The Haunted Mansion and <Woman>: Otherworldly Apparitions in the Modern Cities of Japan
Shoko Komatsu -
The Haunted Mansion and <Woman>: Otherworldly Apparitions in the Modern Cities of Japan (Japanese)
Ian Dennis -
“More Skilled Practitioners of Wanting”: Buddhism and Romanticism in the Market World
Edmond Wright -
How to read religious poems anthropoetically (using examples from Gerard Manley Hopkins and Kobayashi Issa)
Magdalena Złocka-Dąbrowska -
Cratos as Cognition: Gans and Dumézil in Dialogue on Language and Violence