Editorial Policy
Editorial Policies and Practices
Submission Dates
August 31 for the Fall issue (out ~10/15)
February 15 for the Spring issue (out ~4/15)
Scope and Evaluation
Anthropoetics publishes articles relevant to generative anthropology, the mimetic theory of desire, and work in the humanities or human sciences that involves fundamental reflection on the human.[1] Although the journal’s research program is focused on these areas of concern and requires reviewers with deep familiarity with generative anthropology, the editorial board is widely international and represents a variety of disciplines and subject areas (see Editorial Board). Manuscripts that require specialized field knowledge will be subject to external double-blind peer review.
Anthropoetics accepts manuscripts for review on an ongoing basis, as well as articles developed from papers given at the annual GASC.[2] All regular submissions undergo rigorous editorial review by members of the Anthropoetics editorial board. Conference papers will first be reviewed by the organizing committee of the conference. Editor-reviewers do not review papers by authors from their own institution. As a general rule, no more than two-thirds of the authors published in a given issue will be from a single institution.[3]
In judging submissions, we will give priority to:
- Work directly relevant to generative anthropology;
- Work in “fundamental anthropology” based on the mimetic theory of desire;
- Work in the humanities or human sciences that involves fundamental reflection on the human.
Articles need not express agreement with the ideas or methods of generative anthropology nor make them their chief focus, but submissions that do not engage in any way with these ideas and methods cannot be considered.
Submission Guidelines
Anthropoetics articles are currently published on the Web in html and downloadable as PDFs using the WordPress platform. The PDF version is considered to be the version of record for citation and bibliography purposes.
Anthropoetics seeks to encourage broadmindedness and innovation in terms of articles’ structures and features. Since its foundation, the Journal has been ably supported by UCLA’s Humanities Technology (HumTech) in the Humanities Division. Experimentally-inclined authors should be aware in advance that limits and tradeoffs built into any given platform can limit the degree of experimentation possible.[4] Potential submitting authors are encouraged to consult Anthropoetics regarding technical fit between the author’s aspirations and the Journal’s capacities.
- Length: Normally between 5000 and 10,000 words.
- Abstract: Maximum 250 words; required.
- Keywords: five to eight keywords to facilitate abstracting and searches.
- Format: Microsoft Word is preferred for manuscript text.
- Figures : Figures should be submitted as separate image files (.tiff, .jpg, .png., PDF, etc.) at the highest resolution available. A master list of all files to be embedded in the article should be included on a master list in a separate Word document.
- Permissions: Authors are responsible for securing permissions for third-party content included in their article. Authors should seek the widest range of permissions possible in order to ensure that they have maximum flexibility if they choose to republish the article in its entirety or in part. Permissions should be secured in writing and kept in their records.
Material that is displayed on the Web or otherwise “publicly available” is not necessarily freely reusable. Minimum permissions should include the right to publish in Anthropoetics and include specific terms of how the image may or may not be manipulated (resizing, resampling, cropping, changing color space and file format, enhancing, redrawing, etc.). If material is downloaded from the Web, source URLs should be provided and recorded in the Bibliography. In-text links without proper citations are not sufficient as source documentation. - Bibliography: Documentation in text and notes should be supported by a bibliography of works cited. Either footnotes or endnotes can be included, but not both. Information in notes and the bibliography may overlap, but notes do not replace the bibliography. Entries referencing images included in the bibliography should include source URLs and/or DOIs.
- Style: You should adhere to either MLA or Chicago style guidelines.
- Language: All articles must be in English. Non-English quotations should be followed immediately in the text by a translation in [brackets]. You should cite the source of the translation or identify yourself as its creator.
- Links: Please be sure to verify all hyperlinks included in your article. Hyperlinks should not simply be included blog-style in the text. Documentation requires a full citation.
- Benchmark: A brief paragraph about yourself; some recent examples: XXIII, 2 | XXIV, 1
- Address information: The institutional and/or street address and email address that you wish to include at the head of your article.
- Please:
-Leave no spaces around dashes: not yes – but but yes—but
-Use spaces between suspension points: not … but . . .
-Place . and , (but not ? ! ; or : ) inside (single or double) quotes: not “x“. but “x.”
Please send your submission via email to:
Eric Gans, Editor
UCLA ELTS (French)
Los Angeles CA 90095-1550
[1] Anthropoetics is supported by the UCLA Humanities Division and sits under the broad disciplinary umbrella of humanistic thought and its broad range of methods. The Library of Congress notice for Anthropoetics (https://lccn.loc.gov/sn95005166) assigns the journal the Library of Congress Classification of GN33 and the Dewey classification of 301. LCC class GN covers “anthropology” (Library of Congress, Library of Congress Classification PDF Files: G outline, p. x at https://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCC/LCC_G2019OUT.pd). Dewey 301 generally encompasses Sociology and Anthropology and includes “interdisciplinary works on society, humans” and “philosophy and theory.” (See OCLC, Dewey Decimal Classification: 300 Social sciences, pp. 341-342 at https://www.oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/webdewey/help/300.pdf)
[2] The Generative Anthropology Society Conference (GASC) was first held in Vancouver in 2007, and annually ever since.
[3] So far, there has been no practical need to exercise this principle.
[4] See Lynch, John with Lisa Snyder, Annelie Rugg, Deidre Whitmore, Lucian Tucker, Todd Presner, Miriam Posner, and Patrick Svensson, “Scholarly Web Design Best Practices for Sustainability,” posted to The HumTech Blog by Annelie Rugg on June 14, 2017, https://humtech.ucla.edu/bestpractice/web-sustainability-best-practices/ .