Anthropoetics XX, no. 1 Fall 2014
Richard van Oort -
Introduction to the GASC 2014 Issue
Benjamin Barber -
Différance in Revolutionary Representations: Hazlitt’s Activist Rhetoric and Wordsworth’s Poetic Deferral
Ian Dennis -
Reflections on the Popular/High Art Continuum : Seven small essays, ventures, somewhat in the original French sense of the word essai
Sandor Goodhart -
Difference and Deference: Reading Deferral in Beckett, Derrida, and Gans in a Time of Disaster
Marina Ludwigs -
Epiphany and Closure in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse
Ken Mayers -
Deferral, Discipline, and the Esthetics of Failure: Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
Andrew McKenna -
Voltaire’s Victims and Us