Ben Barber is a PhD student in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa, where he holds a Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Scholarship for his research on the influence of Shakespeare’s representations of mimetic desire upon the poetic vision of Lord Byron. In 2012 he received an MA in English from the University of Victoria, where his research focused on honor and mimetic rivalry in early modern drama.
Ian Dennis is a Professor of English at the University of Ottawa. He is Secretary-Treasurer of the Generative Anthropology Society and Conference, and was Chief Organiser of its 2009 conference in Ottawa and Co-Chief Organiser in Los Angeles in 2013. He is the author of four novels, the Girardian study Nationalism and Desire in Early Historical Fiction (Macmillan 1997) and Lord Byron and the History of Desire (Delaware 2009), a work of literary criticism making substantial use of both Mimetic Theory and Generative Anthropology.
Sandor Goodhart is a Professor of English and Jewish Studies at Purdue University, and author of The Prophetic Law: Essays in Judaism, Girardianism, Literary Studies, and the Ethical (Michigan State UP, 2014), Sacrifice, Scripture, and Substitution (Notre Dame UP, 2011; co-edited with Ann Astell), For René Girard: Essays in Friendship and Truth (Michigan State UP, 2009; co-edited with James G. Williams, Thomas Ryba, and Jørgen Jørgensen), Reading Stephen Sondheim (Garland, 2000), and Sacrificing Commentary: Reading the End of Literature (Johns Hopkins UP, 1996). He directed Purdue’s Jewish Studies Program (1997-2002), the Philosophy and Literature Program (2005), and the Classical Studies Program (2007-2011). He served as guest editor for a special issue of Religion, An International Journal 37.1 (March 2007) on René Girard, and as President of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion from 2004 to 2007.
Marina Ludwigs teaches English Literature at Stockholm University. She has a PhD in Comparative Literature from UC Irvine and has worked with, and presented papers on, both Girardian theory and Generative Anthropology. Her current interest is bringing into dialogue narratology and Generative Anthropology.
Ken Mayers teaches at the Bergen County Academies, a public magnet high school in Hackensack, New Jersey. He has a PhD in Comparative Literature from UCLA. He is actively involved in human rights work as the Chair of the North Africa Coordination Group for Amnesty International USA. His current research interests include, from a broader perspective, humanism and postmodernism, and, more specifically, the argument between Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas about relationships; Generative Anthropology offers important insights into these questions.
Andrew J. McKenna, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, is professor of French at Loyola University Chicago and a member of the Anthropoetics editorial board. He is the author of Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction (U of Illinois P, 1992), as well as of numerous articles on Molière, Pascal, Racine, Montesquieu, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Fellini, and critical theory. From 1996 through 2006, he was editor in chief of Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. He is a board member of Raven Foundation and of Imitatio, foundations devoted to research and education in mimetic anthropology.