Carole Landis War-related

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A gift from the boys, Fort Ord, June 1941 Dining at Fort Ord, June 1941 Sgt Carole, June 1941 A jill in a jeep, June 1941 With the boys, June 1941 Some more boys, and a dog, June 1941 With the officers, June 1941 Carole, the dog, and Georgie Jessel, Movie-Radio Guide July 5, 1941 Carole the M.P., Movie Life September 1941 Preparing for the real thing, Cadet Girl (1941)
In her element, Cadet Girl (1941) Making the boys laugh, Screenland October 1941 Carole and Linda on a train, December 1941, Screen Guide March 1942 Carole playing gin, December 1941, Screen Guide March 1942 Partying with the boys, Pic February 3, 1942 Dancing in the dark, Pic February 3, 1942 Signed on the back, Pic February 3, 1942 With Simone Simon and a soldier c. 1942 Collecting relief food with Cesar With Kay Kyser and Marlene kicking off the war effort, Movie Life, March 1942
At the blood bank with de Mille, Life February 16, 1942 Carole the Aerial Nurse, Pic March 12, 1942 Carole the ditch-digger, Pic March 12, 1942 Carole the athlete, Pic March 12, 1942 Wartime singing in LA c. 1942 Giving a kick in silkless hose, Movie Life April 1942 *Golden Carole Defending her country c. 1942 Devoted to the cause, Motion Picture August 1942 With Tony Martin c. 1942
The ex-party girl c. 1942, Screen Guide January 1943 With Hedda Hopper, Jane Withers, Anne Shirley (1942) 'Yours for victory' (1942) With Huntington Hartford, Jr., Screen Guide June 1942 Not the usual Chesterfield ad A doggy cover, Our Dogs Summer 1942 Another doggy cover,  October 4, 1942 Stars and heroes, Life July 13, 1942 *Stars and heroes, from a different angle Rewarding war hero Ensign Francis Pinter, Screen Romances October 1942
Autograph for victory, Screen Guide October 1942 With some War Bond kids, Motion Picture October 1942 Carole's famous sigh, June 11, 1942, Movies August 1943 With Reginald Gardner at Joan Bennett's war benefit (September 4), Movie Story December 1942 Happy in uniform (1942), Screen Guide January 1943 A great patriot, Silver Screen July 1943 Fun with a hammock (1942), Screen Guide January 1943 Spreading the smokes (1942-family collection) Beauty and bluejacket, Movie Stars Parade December 1942 Carole with a projector (1942), American Cinematographer April 1943
Preparing for marriage, January 1943 Wedding #3, January 1943 The bride with Kay Francis Waving goodbye Mitzi, Kay, Carole, and Tommy, January 1943 (family collection) The new bride, January 1943 Three Jills, January 1943 (family collection) *The jills in Algeria Carole in Africa? or at home? Saturday Evening Post January 15, 1944 Wartime wife, from American Magazine March 1943
With Donner, Look June 29, 1943 Carole in a chow line, Stardom June, 1943 With Mitzi in England, Saturday Evening Post, January 8, 1944 The heroine returns, Screen Guide June 1943 Bemedaled Carole, Movie Stars Parade June 1943 The whole world in her hands, Movie Stars Parade June 1943 Visiting one more army base c. 1943 With Bombardier Captain McKee, Photoplay August 1943 Recruiting between Tracy and Armstrong, Movie Story August 1943 Carole on the farm, Screenland September 1943
Carole the blacksmith, Stardom September 1943 With Fayard Nicholas, Life, September 6,1943 Christening a Navy ship, Movie Stars Parade October 1943 Signing autographs at the shipyard, July 15, 1943 With Florence Lary and friend, July 15, 1943 Busy Carole, Stardom October 1943 With Tommy's pal Gus Daymond, Screen Romances July 1943 Singing for the boys c. 1943 Signing autographs with Kay Francis, Saturday Evening Post January 1, 1944 A hungry soldier, Saturday Evening Post January 1, 1944
Feeding the hungry soldier (1943) At the typewriter (October 1943), Screen Guide December 1943 On 'Command Performance,' October 1943 (Movie Stars Parade February 1944) The four Jills, Saturday Evening Post December 25, 1943 Carole's war efforts, Movie Stars Parade January 1944 The Jills in their jeep, Four Jills in a Jeep Fictional love, 4 Jills in A Jeep (1944) Coming a little closer, Four Jills in a Jeep *Elegant Carole with John Harvey, Four Jills in a Jeep (1944) The 4 Jills cast, Movie Story March 1944
The fictional bride A song from the cutting-room floor, Four Jills in a Jeep (1944) *The cut number on a lobby card, Four Jills in a Jeep (1944) The four Jills, Song Parade June 1944 V for Victory, c. 1944 Roughing it, 4 Jills in A Jeep (1944) Helping with the war effort, Motion Picture June 1944 A joke with Victor, Screen Stars June 1944 A slightly ironic glamour girl St. Patrick's Day c. 1944
A happy married moment (1944) From the same series (1944-family collection) With Janet Blair and Polish Capt. Zamoyski, Stardom July 1944 Carole's best known ad (1944) Selling war bonds, Screenland July 1944 Counter girl, c. 1944 Carole loved her fans c. 1944 A friendly autograph, Movie Stars Parade October 1944 Comforting Carole (1944-family collection) En route with Jack Benny and Martha Tilton (1944), Movie Show January 1945
On tour with Jack Benny (courtesy of Jim Salley) With Jack and a couple of officers The troupe: Adler, Benny, Tilton, Bruner, Carole Keeping up their spirits *On the chow line in the South Pacific A quiet moment with Jack (1944-family collection) Somewhere in the South Pacific (1944) In the South Pacific (1944) Jills in a jeep (1944) With Benny, Larry Adler, Martha Tilton, June Bruner in New Guinea (photo by Jerome J. Schrenk)
Offering a cigarette (photo by Jerome J. Schrenk) Carole with her new friend (photo by Jerome J. Schrenk) A nice shot of Carole (photo by Jerome J. Schrenk) Adjusting her turban (photo by Jerome J. Schrenk) *Singing in a pretty dress Singing in the tropics (1944) Caring Carole, Motion Picture December 1944 Jitterbugging Carole, Motion Picture December 1944 On stage on Oahu (1944) *With M 2/c Robert Smiley in the Pacific, September 1944
The soldiers' sweetheart (1944-family collection) Carole's sex appeal (1944-family collection) Carole on Okinawa God's gift to the Marines (1944-family collection) Bringing beauty to the boys (1944-family collection) Four times as beautiful (1944-family collection) Carole and friends in New Guinea (1944) With pen and cigarette (1944-from Henry James, Allen Park MI) In Brisbane harbor (1944) (collection of Frank Packlick) Carole steers the ship (1944) (collection of Frank Packlick)
Carole in Hawaii, New Army-Navy Review October 1944 Brooklyn Armed Guard Center January 1945 (1) Brooklyn Armed Guard Center January 1945 (2) Brooklyn Armed Guard Center January 1945 (4) Brooklyn Armed Guard Center January 1945 (3) Brooklyn Armed Guard Center January 1945 (4) Carole at the Automat, Movie Life May 1945 Carole buying shoes, Movie Life May 1945 Carole in the USO, Colliers July 14, 1945 El Morocco again, with a lucky soldier, Screen Stars August 1945


Eric Gans /
Last updated: 3/4/2009 1:58:18 AM
Collection contains 150 images