Carole Landis Bathing Suits

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In the swim with Virginia Dale c. 1937 And on the archery range, Picture News (Australia), August 31, 1940 Carole on the cover, Pic July 12, 1938 And on the inside, Pic July 12, 1938 From the same session (1938) That lovely silhouette, Screen Guide August 1938 That silhouette again, Motion Picture September 1938 An awkward swimsuit shot, Screen Guide September 1939 Carole in white, Cinelandia August 1940 Another early swimsuit shot (1939)
A more natural pose (1939-family collection) A 1 Million BC-era pinup c. 1939 A pinup of similar vintage, Carnival Show September 1941 Carole then and now, Motion Picture May 1940 Carole on the rocks (1940) Carole on the rocks bis (1940) Radiant Carole on the rocks (1940) The goddess of the cave (1940) The goddess of the cave bis (1940) High diving at the Beverly Hills Hotel (1940)
Stretching her neck (1940) Carole in the swim (1940) In her bathing cap (1940) Coming out wet, Film Fun May 1942 On the diving board (1940) Going in backward (1940) And upside down, Real Screen Fun May 1942 'In the bosom of the pool' (1940), Motion Picture September 1941 On the beach with a monkey, Moon over Miami (1941) A sweeter monkey shot, Moon over Miami (1941)
An unflattering décolleté, Modern Screen October 1941 Same shot as a photograph Carole on the sand, Motion Picture August 1941 Carole in red, Screen Guide September 1941 Swimsuited Carole, Screen Guide October 1941 The bathing beauty c. 1941 Same suit in a studio  c. 1941 (collection of Philip Castanza) Carole at the beach c. 1941 Sun, sea, and Carole c. 1941 Another beachy pose c. 1941
Sunbathing Carole c. 1941 A moment of relaxation, Movie Life December 1941 Carole the ditch-digger, Pic March 12, 1942 Carole the athlete, Pic March 12, 1942 Another beach shot c. 1942, Modern Life Stories 1947-48 Carole descending a staircase, Movie Stars Parade April 1942 Carole's glorious figure (1942) Carole standing on a staircase (1942) Another beach-house shot (1942) Beach-house with dog (1942)
On Santa Monica beach (1942) Carole in a halter (1942) Carole in the sun c. 1942 On the diving board c. 1942, Aqui Está May 21, 1942 Voluptuous Carole (1942) 'Yours for victory' (1942) Carole from below, Movie Life June 1942 Summer cover girl, Movie Stars Parade June 1942 Calling all vacationers, Movie Stars Parade June 1942 Taking it easy, Screenland July 1942
On the beach, Photoplay September 1942 Another of those 40s swimsuits, Movie Stars Parade October 1943 A familiar pinup, Movies August 1943 A signed pinup (1943) Surfing Carole, US Camera April 1944 St. Patrick's Day c. 1944 The St. Patrick's swimsuit (1944) The pinup girl, Movie Stars Parade August 1944 The pinup girl in yellow, Motion Picture August 1944 A slightly different pose (1944)
The beauty contestant, Having Wonderful Crime (1944) We've seen this suit before, Eyeful October 1944 A signed copy At the Sunset Plaza, c. 1944 Leaning by the pool c. 1945 *Carole by the pool Sitting by the pool (1946) Happy Carole, Montreal Standard August 10, 1946 A late autograph c. 1947 A late swimsuit shot, Silver Screen September 1947
A less attractive suit (1947)


Eric Gans /
Last updated: 3/4/2009 1:58:18 AM
Collection contains 81 images