1130 South Clark Drive

(click to enlarge)

E. J. Fleming's Hollywood Addresses puts Carole at this address in 1938 or 1939, perhaps after her return from the East after her failure in "Once upon a Night." The original house is gone, but others in the neighborhood constructed around 1930 give a probable idea of its appearance.  
The current 1130 S. Clark, a 7-unit residence built in 1956
This tree must have been there in 1938

On the other side of the street is 1145 S. Clark, completed in 1930

A couple of buildings down is 1142 which also dates from 1930

The next one down, 1146, was built in 1929


<--- north
south  (toward Pico)--->

along Clark Drive


Eric Gans / gans@humnet.ucla.edu
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