Anthropoetics XV, no. 2 Spring 2010
Simon Watson -
Review Essay: Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion and Atheist Fundamentalism
Emma Peacocke -
“A novel word in my vocabulary”: Laughter and the Evolution of the Byronic Model into Don Juan
Marina Ludwigs -
Three Gaps of Representation / Three Meanings of Transcendence
Adam Katz -
From Habit to Maxim: Eccentric Models of Reality and Presence in the Writing of Gertrude Stein
Kyle Karthauser -
Popular Culture after Postmodernism: Borat, Family Guy, The Office, and the Awkwardness of Being Earnest
Peter Goldman -
The Meaning of Meaning in Kafka’s The Castle
Jean-Loup Amselle -
To Count or Not to Count: The Debate on Ethnic and Diversity Statistics in France Today