Andrew Bartlett taught “university writing” and literary analysis at Kwantlen Polytechnic University until his retirement in 2022. He has published reviews in Subterrain, Canadian Literature, COV&R Bulletin, and Mise-en-Scene: The Journal of Film and Visual Narration; and scholarly articles in Southern Literary Journal, Contagion: Journal of Mimesis, Violence, and Culture, and Anthropoetics. He is author of Mad Scientist: Impossible Human: An Essay in Generative Anthropology (Davies Group Publishers, 2014), a study of the Frankenstein myth. He continues to participate when possible at the annual meetings of COV&R (Colloquium on Violence and Religion) and GASC.

Izumi Dryden is associate professor at Mie Prefectural College of Nursing in Mie, Japan. She teaches liberal arts courses on reading in English, literature and medicine, and communications. Her current research interests include the publications and correspondence of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anthony Burgess, E. M. Forster, Florence Nightingale, and Charles Darwin, in relation to the influence of William Shakespeare, as viewed through the perspectives of Generative Anthropology.

Robert Rois, born in Cuba, is a UCLA Ph.D. He has recently published a book on the Medieval Oral Epic. He hails from Los Angeles, California, and teaches Spanish language courses at LAVC, a campus of the Los Angeles Community College District.

Pierre Whalon was ordained Deacon and Priest in 1985 in The Episcopal Church. After serving parishes in Pennsylvania and Florida, he was elected Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe and consecrated in Rome in 2001. He resigned on July 1, 2019.
Bilingual in French and English, he has published in both languages a large number of articles and book reviews in both religious and secular publications, as well as Made in Heaven? How God Acts in Marriage (KDP, 2016) which references Generative Anthropology, Laïcité : l’expression publique de la religion (ATF, 2018) with Jean-Michel Cadiot, “Attentive, Intelligent, Rational, and Responsible”: Transforming Economics to Save the Planet (Marquette University Press, 2023) with Dr. John Raymaker, Choose the Narrow Path: The Way for the Churches to Walk (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2023), and La déconstruction de la République : la bataille pour la laïcité (in progress). See
Bishop Whalon has done extensive ecumenical work representing The Episcopal Church in Europe and the Middle East, and instigated and participated in interreligious dialogues, especially with Iran.
He has a longtime interest in refugee issues, and in 2007, he co-founded L’Association d’entraide aux minorités d’Orient (AEMO), a French-based non-profit organization that has been resettling people in need in France ever since. Some 5500 people—those at risk of death for reasons of their faith—have found asylum as a result of the work of AEMO.