Andrew Bartlett taught “university writing” and literary analysis at Kwantlen Polytechnic University until his retirement in 2022. He has published reviews in Subterrain, Canadian Literature, COV&R Bulletin, and Mise-en-Scene: The Journal of Film and Visual Narration; and scholarly articles in Southern Literary Journal, Contagion: Journal of Mimesis, Violence, and Culture, and Anthropoetics. He is author of Mad Scientist: Impossible Human: An Essay in Generative Anthropology (Davies Group Publishers, 2014), a study of the Frankenstein myth. He continues to participate when possible at the annual meetings of COV&R (Colloquium on Violence and Religion) and GASC.

Zack Baker is an investor and independent scholar with a focus on Generative Anthropology. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley. Zack is also the chief organizer of the 2023 GA Conference in Palo Alto, California.

Ian Dennis is a professor of English at the University of Ottawa and Secretary-Treasurer of the Generative Anthropology Society & Conference. He is the author of four published novels, of the Girardian study Nationalism and Desire in Early Historical Fiction (Macmillan 1997), and of Lord Byron and the History of Desire (Delaware 2009), a work of literary criticism making use of both mimetic theory and generative anthropology. He was the chief organiser of the 2009 and 2022 GA conferences in Ottawa, and co-organiser in 2013 at UCLA and in 2019 in New York City. He is currently working on a book of GA theory tentatively titled Varieties of Aesthetic Experience.

Peter G. Goldman is Professor Emeritus at Westminster College in Utah and former president of the Generative Anthropology Society and Conference. His main areas of research and teaching are Shakespeare and Milton, and he has published on a wide range of topics. A list of his publications can be found here: Goldman Publications

Adam Katz is the editor of The Originary Hypothesis: A Minimal Proposal for Humanistic Inquiry, a collection of essays on Generative Anthropology, and of new editions of Eric Gans’s Science and Faith and The Origin of Language. He publishes regularly in Anthropoetics, and posts often on the GABlog. He is the author, under the name Dennis Bouvard, of Anthropomorphics, published by Imperium Press. His current writing can be found on Substack, also under the name Dennis Bouvard. He teaches writing at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut.