About Our Contributors

Peter Goldman is Professor of English at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. He serves on the editorial board for Anthropoetics and is also a board member of the Generative Anthropology Society & Conference (GASC). Peter teaches classes on Shakespeare, Renaissance literature, and film studies. His publications include articles on Shakespeare, Reformation literature, film studies, Generative Anthropology, and Kafka. His current project is a book on Shakespeare and the problem of iconoclasm.

Amir Khan is Assistant Professor of English at Liaoning Normal University – Missouri State University’s College of International Business in Dalian, China. His first book is Shakespeare in Hindsight: Counterfactual Thinking and Shakespearean Tragedy (Edinburgh 2016). His second book, on comic cinema entitled The Comedies of Nihilism: The Representation of Tragedy Onscreen, is forthcoming (Palgrave Macmillan 2017). He is also the managing editor of Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies.

Benjamin Matthews is an Adjunct Fellow in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts at the University of Western Sydney and a freelance consultant in the media industry. He has a PhD in Communication from the University of Newcastle, where he was a Digital Communication Lecturer 2000-2014. His research interests lie in the area of anthropology of representation and the media, and in particular, with texts and textuality provided through digital communication technology.

Kieran Stewart is a PhD student in the department of Humanities and Communication Arts at the University of Western Sydney. In 2012, he was awarded a first-class honours from the University of Western Sydney for his work on Nietzsche and archaic religions. He is currently writing his dissertation on Eric Gans’s hypothesis on the origin of the human and Friedrich Nietzsche’s central notion of the eternal recurrence of the same.

Matthew Taylor is Professor of English at Kinjo Gakuin University in Nagoya, Japan. He teaches courses in English as a Foreign Language (EFL), academic writing, teacher training, and culture. He has written and presented on EFL pedagogy, literature, and mimetic theory. He has co-authored textbooks for EFL students, including two for academic writing (Cengage Learning) and one for oral communication skills (Macmillan Languagehouse). His previous articles for Anthropoetics explored mimetic elements in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and the phenomenon of social isolation in Japan. The article for the present issue extends the focus on Japanese society.