About Our Contributors
Per Bjørnar Grande is Docent at Bergen University College, Norway in Religion and Philosophy. His main focus is religious anthropology and literary analysis. Grande has published five books, including Mimesis and Desire. An Analysis of the Religious Nature of Mimesis and Desire in the Work of René Girard (Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009), as well as a number of articles on religion, art and literature. He is currently writing a book on Meaning in History.
Marina Ludwigs teaches English Literature at Stockholm University. She has a PhD in Comparative Literature from UC Irvine and has worked with, and presented papers on, both Girardian theory and Generative Anthropology. Her current interest is bringing into dialogue narratology and Generative Anthropology.
Benjamin Matthews is an Adjunct Fellow in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts at the University of Western Sydney and a freelance consultant in the media industry. He has a PhD in Communication from the University of Newcastle, where he was a Digital Communication Lecturer 2000-2014. His research interests lie in the area of anthropology of representation and the media, and in particular, with texts and textuality provided through digital communication technology.
Edmond Wright holds degrees in English and philosophy and a doctorate in philosophy. He is a member of the Board of Social Theory of the International Sociological Association, and was sometime a Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for the Advanced Study of the Social Sciences, Uppsala. He has edited The Ironic Discourse (Poetics Today, 4, 1983), New Representationalisms: Essays in the Philosophy of Perception (Avebury, 1993), Faith and the Real (Paragraph, 24, 2001), and The Case for Qualia (MIT Press, forthcoming, May 2008), and has co-edited with his wife Elizabeth The Zizek Reader, (Blackwell, 1999) and is author of Narrative, Perception, Language, and Faith (Macmillan, 2005). Over sixty articles of his have appeared in the philosophical journals. He has also published two volumes of poetry.